2013 Deepavali

TARANGiNi  is proud to announce Deepavali 2013 event. Here are the details.

Date & Time:Saturday, Nov 16th, 2013, 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Location: Mason Middle School, Mason, OH

Every Participant need to be a Member and also need to buy ticket for the event.

***Due to time limitations, few changes to the program are made *****

Kids age group 6 and below  need minimum 6 kids for each program and duration cannot exceed 5 mins.

Kids age group 7 and above need minimum 4 kids for each program and duration cannot exceed 4 mins.

Duet Dances for ages 12 and above with time limit of 3 mins, Duets are strictly between Boy and Girl.

Repetition of the same song in multiple programs is not allowed. The group who registers first gets the preference.

No child is allowed to participate in more than one dance program. But they are allowed to participate in other type of programs like singing, skits etc.

Looking for more adult programs and quality programs, please consider using props, musical skits, theme based dances like patriotic/festival/moral based etc for this Deepavali event, so please come forward and participate.

We encourage every member to participate in this event and celebrate Deepavali.

If you are interested in participating in cultural program, please click on the Signup link to register.

Last date for registration is September 30th.

We are also accepting sponsorships, booths and advertisements. If you are a business owner, this is a great oppurtunity to promote your business. Please contact ec@tarangini.org for details.